How to make your own Hinged Stamping Tool/ Stamp Positioner

Let's face it, if your a crafter, you're a DIYer.
I just can't help myself from trying to "make it myself".
The idea to use a hinged stamping tool has been around for a while. I've used my Lifestyles Crafts Letterpress platform for stamping for some time now and when a cleaver crafter reworked the hinged stamping idea and released a popular tool, it jump started the interest in this type of tool and it has newly interested many stampers, cardmakers and scrappers.
I just wanted to share here how I made a hinged stamping tool that is limited in some functionality to other tools you may have seen but it works great for me. The compact size is awesome and so is the cost. Yes, it's cheap!, Yes, It's not high quality, but it works great. If you want quality look into the MISTI TOOL. They're fantastic!
Here are the supplies I used to make this fun DIY stamping tool
1 DVD/Stamp Storage Case with Hinge
1 Sheet 3mm Fun Foam OR you can use 2 sheets of the thinner fun foam
Here's a video showing how I did it and a couple of ways to use it. I'm sure you can think of many more.
One thing I didn't mention is that I removed the tabs from the case that would normally hold the (paper) artwork for a DVD just to give a little more room in the stamping area. They are VERY easy to remove. Simply bend them back and they come off very easily without braking any other part of the case.
I also have another version that doesn't need the "sticky" surface. I added a thin piece of sheet metal under the fun foam layer and use a strong magnet to hold the paper down. If I'm only creating 1 card, I like the "sticky" version better. I also have just taped my cardstock down with washi tape or Micropore tape (my very favorite low tack tape for crafting) and that works great too!
Items used or shown in Video or mentioned in blog post:
White Fun Foam Sheet
Grid Paper (But you could even print some off from files from the internet)
Tim Holtz Scissors - to trim thin metal sheet (be careful, it can be sharp on the trimmed edges)
- Jody Kirk
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I wish people worked out more humanity
at the end of July, alfredia Rudder, A co founder of the online dating site OkCupid, Plunged himself [url=]plenty of fish dating site[/url] into the midst of an Internet maelstrom when he published a post with a classic poke the anthill headline: "We experiment on Human Beings,
The provocation came involved with a storm of commentary sparked by the revelations that Facebook had been purposefully manipulating its users’ emotions by tinkering with its news feed. Rudder contended that such tweaking was popular and normal. In OkCupid’s carrier, The company had temporarily adjusted its matching algorithm so that some people ended up with guide that the algorithm would normally have considered bad matches and vice versa, men and women whom the algorithm should have concluded were good matches were told they were a bad fit. But in an unexpected twist, The post become good publicity for Rudder’s new book, "Dataclysm: Who We Are When we think No One’s Looking, very good example: I had an advance review copy of the book sitting on my desk, But it was only after the hoopla over Rudder’s blog post that I took a good look and decided it was a must read.
and indeed it is. “Dataclysm” Is a well written and funny look at what the numbers reveal about human behavior in the age of social media. It’s both profound and a bit worrisome, on the, sad to say, We’re generally not any type of people we like to think or say we are.
Rudder begins his book with a distressing opening salvo: Two charts that reveal what age groups most people generally find attractive. provided by age 20 to 50, Women are enduring they’re drawn to men who are in roughly the same age cohort. Men are equally constant: out of age 20 50, They are attracted to 20 year olds. Rudder does the math on what different groups are most or least intending to say in their profiles: black men, as an example, seldom mention Belle and Sebastian, parasailing or "Dr Horrible’s Sing along the length of Blog, White women don’t consider slow jams, J go or Malcolm X. white colored guys, on the contrary, Are really into referencing their "Blue tender, creating beer, and moreover Robert Heinlein. Asian men typical basis say "Tall to get an Asian, “Gangnam luxury” and moreover "Noodle soup,)
Rudder treats this into the human condition with bemused and very useful intelligence. We’re only just beginning to know how much we can learn about ourselves and others from the data that is constantly being harvested from us. a lot more we know, The better armed we are to navigate the long term. People online are free to act out their worst impulses with almost incentive to act out their best. I guess it just goes to show how politeness or propriety keeps us decent individuals. in the same way Cool Ranch Doritos gratify certain taste receptors that are probably not very good for my digestive tract, such thinggs as Twitter or Reddit or even OkCupid gratify our tastes in ways that should probably best be left unsated.
How does that cause you to feel as a researcher? Have you become more cynical because of the what you’ve learned by watching how people behave on OkCupid?I definitely have a small amount of ambivalence about the Internet generally and what we do at OkCupid. OkCupid does a lot of excellent achievements. We do find people love, We do create marriage and youngsters and happiness in a pure sense, In a way that, pretend, Amazon does not need to. there is however a downside: In the entire finding that love or sex or whatever they’re looking for, People can often be more judgmental. It’s a tangled up thing. I can see the good and the bad in all this, But where it all comes out of course, i am not sure. I think the existence of the Internet is a good thing, But I do wish people exercised more humanity in using these power tools.
I’d like to break the format of the normal Q a bit, And just read some lines away from book that jumped out at me, And see if I can prompt you to elaborate on them. as an example, You invented that "organization will democratize our fundamental narrative, what do i mean?
What I meant could be that the Internet will enable, On a mass scale, something similar to what Howard Zinn was doing in his "People’s History of in america, Zinn’s trying to reach for what the common person seriously World War I or the Civil War, Or go back and find out what a housewife in 1970 was enthusiastic about her life. computers that is crunching all that stuff pulls us all together. in an real sense, We are all given the same weight in any of these information.
I guess that connects instantly to another sentence that caught my eye: "on data, History can be transformed into deeper, It can are more,
that’s what I’m talking about.
consider, "It’s when people don’t understand their own hearts I get interested,I like it when it’s possible to to look at a behavior in two ways. One: What people think they actually or wish they were doing, and thus two: What they do. At OkCupid we have a great mechanism for check out that: We have all these match questions where we ask people what they presume or what they think, And then we can go in and measure exactly what they’re actually doing. I just think that the space between self image and action is worth it to read.